Manually Sorting Emails In Gmail To Appropriate Tabs By Moving

Last Updated:-December 07, 2013
With the new Gmail user interface, users are blessed with the auto-allocation of emails(according to nature and sender) under appropriate tabs by Gmail. With the introduction of three tabs (with two additional disabled tabs)and automatic placement of emails under those tabs are very useful for Gmail users to select important emails without opening them. All personal and important emails will come under the primary tab and Social updates like Facebook, Twitter etc will come under Social and all promotional and ads come under the Promotion tab. We can always enable other two disabled tabs -updates and forums. I really like the new look and the user-interface provided by Gmail.

Now let us consider a scenario where the automatic placement of emails by Gmail is not according to our taste. What can we do in this scenario? Fortunately, Gmail allows users to manually sort them under preferred tabs by moving each one with an option to follow the same settings for the future too. Let us check how to do it.

Manually Put Emails From One Address Under Correct Tab
This step is required only if you feel the automatic allocation of emails by Google is not correct and you want to put every future electronic mail under the correct tab.
  1. Right click on the email you want to move
    Promotions or Social category

  2. Select the option Move to tab and click the right tab from the menu.

  3. You will see a popup which let you set the current setting for the future too.

    Click on Yes if you want to set the current settings valid for future too. By clicking Undo, you can reverse the change.

If you do not click Yes in this message, emails from the same address in future will not follow your current manual change. So if you want the future emails from the same sender comes under the tab you have manually set, you should click on Yes. As the part of forwarded emails from your friends, you may receive so many with pictures. In case if you want to check the source of the images you have received in Gmail, visit the link below.
How to Conduct Reverse Image Search To Find Source Of a Picture

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1 comment:

  1. Nice tutorial. I was unaware of this move to option. Thanks.


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