Setup Motorola Cable Modem SB5100 Series for Local Cable Broadband Service

Last Updated:-July 06, 2010
Motorola Cable Modem SB5100 Series is one among the recommended cable modem by COX communications, a leading cable broadband service in the US. Configuring cable modem is not like a traditional DSL modem. Most of the time we don't need to login to the cable modem to set up an Internet connection in it. In order to set up your Motorola Cable Modem with your Local cable broadband service follow the steps below.

Steps to Setup Motorola Cable Modem SB5100 Series for cable broadband

Important points we need to remember before connecting the Internet to Motorola Cable Modem are:

1. Proper connection with computer

2. Registering your modem with cable broadband service

Connect Motorola Cable modem with a computer

There are two ways we can connect Motorola cable modem to your computer.

i. By Ethernet cable

ii. By USB port

For more information about the connection check the image below.

Setup Motorola cable modem with COX communication broadband Internet

Set Internet connection to your Cable modem

To set Internet connection to your cable modem, you should sign up with a local cable Internet Service Provider. You should register your cable modem MAC address to access the Internet. MAC address is the unique permanently burned physical address of your cable modem and it is the one which is used to register your modem with the Cable broadband provider.

If you are facing issues with going online follow the steps in the link below.

I am getting a reply from modem but cannot go online

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