Set Latest Blog Post Title As FeedBurner email Headline

Last Updated:-August 06, 2010
I have enabled email subscriptions (powered by FeedBurner) for a few weeks ago. Though I have configured it, I didn't check it personally and was unaware of its looks in readers point of view. Yesterday only I checked it and found several issues with the default configuration. At first, I checked the feeds sent from Feedburner to reader's email account. Heading of every email sent by them is "Internet Technology Blog". It is the title of and I want to set the blog post title instead of my blog title for each mail. I doubt most of the readers may find them as duplicate posts and may not open. I decided to check whether there any method to set post headline as the title of the emails sends. There is a special setting to set post headline as the heading for FeedBurner subscription emails under settings in FeedBurner account. Steps are simple and you do not need high technical know how to do it by yourself.

How to set FeedBurner email subscription heading as blog post Title

As I explained before, it is not very hard to change the default settings to enable this feature. All you have to do is to follow the step by step instructions written below.
  1. Login to your FeedBurner account

  2. Click on Feed Title

  3. Now click on Publicize on the top tabs

  4. Now click on email branding from the left menu

  5. Now we will come to the page where we can brand our email.

  6. Here email subject/Title is my blog's title instead of an option to set my blog post headline.

In order to set post heading as the subject of FeedBurner email, you should type ${latestItemTitle} on the Email Subject/Title and click on Save button at the bottom of the page. Now onwards FeedBurner will send an email your latest blog post with the headline of that post instead of your blog headline.

It is not good to send electronic mails with the fixed headline to readers who are subscribed for our site updates. Every mail must be customized with different heading and content. If readers do not find the messages attractive, they might unsubscribe.

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Technology Blog

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