How to Improve HubPages Score & AdSense Revenue

Last Updated:-January 27, 2011
I have been actively participating HubPages for the last three years and successfully made a few dollars using AdSense from it. Before start making earning from HubPages earning program, we must learn a few points. Of course, the first point is to create high-quality hubs with unique useful information. To apply for HubPages Earnings Program, we must acquire a decent HubScore. The first part of this tutorial explains how to improve Author HubScore and the second part explains potential Ads revenue including earnings from affiliate programs and Google AdSense. It is important to have a high author HubScore because links in low ranked hubs will have nofollow tag ads may be disabled on them.

How to Improve HubScores of Your Hubs

HubPages never revealed the actual algorithm to calculate the HubScore. The points explained below are from my point of view supported by my experience with this program.
  1. Time

    As you can see a new hub or author starts with lower HubScore but it increases with time. So definitely there is a relation between time and HubScore.

  2. Original content

    HubPages are very careful about the content of each hub. They need you to write original content and copy pasted hubs will be penalized with a lower score. Since the score is low, advertisements will be disabled automatically.

  3. Size

    The word count is really an important factor which determines your HubPages score. Write a long hub and it will achieve higher HubScore compared to shorter hubs.

  4. Number of hubs created by you

    As you can see, a trusted old Author will be rewarded with higher HubScore compared to the hubs of a new author. So Author HubScore is also an important factor which determines the Score of each hub.

  5. Amount of traffic attracts

    HubPages like hubs which attract traffic. If you can bring traffic to your Hubs, it can improve the overall Score. To calculate the relation between the number of visits and earning, visit the link below.
    Traffic To Get $100 Per Day

  6. Revenue potential

    Experts say, the revenue potential of a hub really matters while calculating the HubPages Score. To calculate the Cost Per click, visit the link below.
    How to Calculate Cost Per click

  7. Backlinks

    Backlinks to your hubs help them to achieve a higher search rank in Google search results. It will lead to high traffic and revenue.

  8. Votes and Comments

    You should make sure your Hubs are getting vote ups and comments from other HubPages Authors. It really influences the net score.

  9. Number of Outbound links

    If your hub has many outbound links, usually it will end up with lower HubScore. In the same way, HubPages like you to link your Hub to other Hubs.

  10. Link out to quality resources

    You should link out to Quality resources like Wikipedia and other trusted sources. It can increase your reputation and increases your Author score and individual HubScore.

  11. Participate with other Hubs

    While by commenting and voting on others hubs you are in a way to increase your Author HubScore. So I encourage you to read and participate others Hubs.

Tips to Increase Revenue from HubPages

I do not know about your luck with this program. Maybe you are a guru in making AdSense money with HubPages or a newbie who is just writing and waiting for his reward. In either way, HubPages is a nice place for writers who want to share their ideas with others and a place for Google AdSense revenue share. However, you may vigilant against the possible cut from the total earning by them. Rules to improve ads income from HubPages and a blog is the same. Always write unique quality articles with useful information to readers. Try to get more visitors. Important points you need to care are written below.

  1. Always include high paying AdSense keywords

  2. Avoid writing topics which are banned by Google AdSense

  3. Try to participate with other authors and create a huge followers list

  4. Always use optimized Title

  5. Always make sure your first paragraph is big. It will let HubPages add 336x280 and 300x250 AdSense ads. They have better CPC and CTR.

  6. Blend your ads with surrounding and avoid border.

  7. Try to make your Hubpage Capsules bigger

  8. Always Try to improve your HubPages Score

  9. Use Images wisely and it can improve CTR of a Hub

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