What is webmaster_755527@wmt.secureserver.net in Google Webmaster tools

Last Updated:-January 30, 2011
While checking Google Webmaster Tools account for my company websites, I found an additional verified user with the email address "webmaster_755527@wmt.secureserver.net". This unknown email address was also a Google webmaster verified user for my company website without my knowledge. I unverified this user suddenly and started checking whether it was a legitimate one or not. There might be a chance of misusing username and password provided to other company employees. More than one users share the login details of webmaster tools account because it is our company owned website. However, I am sure that sensitive information is not shared with irresponsible staffs. Moreover, I was wondering who owns the domain extension @wmt.secureserver.net. Another concern is how safe Google Webmaster account if an unknown email address could register without the permission from account admin.

I started checking for this issue in major forums and saw the complaints by several users with the same problem and none of them knew the reason behind it. I found an interesting article on a website which covered a little bit details about it. They say it is the Google webmaster account registered via GoDaddy account. Since my company websites are hosted in GoDaddy server (domain registration too with them), they might register my office website automatically. Email address with which Go Daddy register Google Webmaster tools is with an extension @wmt.secureserver.net. I confirmed the details by contacting GoDaddy support and there is no need to worry if you see another registered webmaster tools user with email address webmaster_755527@wmt.secureserver.net. The below link leads to a tutorial which explains this very thoroughly.


Though it is confirmed that the unknown registered user is GoDaddy, I don't consider it as good thing. Why should they register my website with Google webmaster tools with the permission by me or any other company staff who are authorized to give permission? If it is an automated service from GoDaddy, I need to disable this feature as soon as I don't want to share our website details with a third party.

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