How to Show Power Icon and Notifivations on Taskbar

Last Updated:-May 01, 2012
By default, power icon is disabled on Windows 7 taskbar but you will see the power-related notifications. If you are traveling or not in a position to charge your laptop immediately, it is advised to monitor the power status while doing critical works. If the power icon is shown on the taskbar it is easy to monitor the power status easily. In case you are confused about the right time to charge your laptop battery follow the link below.

When to charge a Laptop battery

In order to display battery power icon and notification on Windows 7 taskbar follow the steps below.

1. Click on Start

2. Click on Control Panel

3. Click on Notification Area Icons

Notification area for power icon

Now you can see the system icons and their behaviors. Under behavior, you can see three options. They are:

i. Show icon and notifications

ii. Hide icon and notifications

iii. Only Show notifications

Select the Power behavior as "Show icon and notifications" and click ok.

How to show power icon on takbar

Now onwards power icon displays on the taskbar

Disable Power icon on taskbar

To know how to keep Laptop battery charge for long click on the link below.

Keep Laptop battery charge for long

In case if you want to disable the power icon on the taskbar, you should select the option "Hide icon and notifications" instead of "Show icon and notifications".

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