How to Fix Broken Links Issues On Blogger Blog & Retain Search Rank

Last Updated:-October 08, 2013
If your blog or website has broken links, that can hurt its search rank. Search Engines do not like websites and blogs with a lot of broken links because Search Engine spiders often get not found the result when they crawl websites with them. That prevent spiders from crawling them smoothly. Broken links occur when someone mentions a page that does not exist or removed. In Blogger, you can easily fix the broken link issues. To learn how to stop showing page not found when someone comes to your Blogspot site by clicking a link to the non-existing page and show a proper custom page to redirect the visitor.

Create Custom Page Not Found to Fix Broken Links On Blogspot Blog
We can create a Custom Page Not Found to display when a visitor comes to your blogger blog by clicking a broken link.
  1. Login to blogger account and go to the dashboard

  2. Click on settings and select Search preference under settings

  3. Now click on edit button near "Custom Page Not Found "
    Fix all blogspot damaged link issues with one click

  4. Here you can set a custom message or redirect for visitors who followed a broken URL.
    Blogger link not found issues and search rank

    Click on save changes

Now onwards any visitor comes to your Blogspot site by following a broken link will be redirected to the custom page instead of the post not found. You can add some of the popular page links on the custom page to retain the visitors. If you want to learn how to remove digits from blogger URL, follow the steps mentioned in the link below.
How to Remove Year and Month Date Figure From Blogspot URL

Redirect a Visitor Following a Broken Link to Specific Blog Post
In this tutorial, you have learned steps to deal with broken links in a blogger blog. However, these steps are not enough to redirect a visitor comes by following a link that was removed or modified to a specific post. To do that follow the steps mentioned in the link below.
How to Redirect a Blog Visitor to Specific Blogger Post

Dealing With Broken Links As Part of Changing to Custom Domain
If you add a custom domain name for your Blogspot blog, if something goes wrong, all the visits to your blog following the old URLs will be shown blog not found. So if you are planning to use a custom domain name for your blogger blog, to avoid page not found issues, you must do it correctly. To learn this visit the link below.
How to Set Up Custom Domain Name For blogger  Without Shattered URLs


  1. Prakash1:38 PM

    A good post. Keep writing more..

  2. Thanks for your comment Prakash


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