Check Computer Performance Using Windows Performance Monitor

Last Updated:-November 27, 2013
I am sure you are interested to check how the software programs installed affect the overall performance of your computer. We can check it without installing any third party tools. You can check your computer real-time performance using default Windows Performance Monitor. You can also check the past performance by checking its log details. This tutorial tells how to open Windows Performance Monitor and get log files to check current and past computer performance. It is one of the handy tools which helps a technician to understand your PC better once it is under servicing. This log file tells the activities of installed applications including past failures.

Open Windows Performance Monitor On Your Computer
To start this feature on your PC, follow the instructions provided below.
  1. Click Start and Go to Control Panel

  2. Click Administrative Tools
    How to check system activities

  3. Click Performance Monitor

  4. Select Performance Monitor from the left-hand menu
    Open efficiency

    Now you can view your computer's efficiency graph.

As the name suggests Performance Monitor helps us to monitor and understand the productivity and efficiency of your laptop by checking how the programs run affect the total working. This tool helps us to analyze the computer productivity both in real time and by checking a log of past events. This tool is handy when you add new hardware or software to your PC. We can check how it affects the overall activities of your PC.

In many cases like malware infection, you may be prevented from accessing Performance Monitor by disabling control panel access on your laptop. You may be blocked from accessing the tool even if you have removed the infection. It is due to the changes made by the malware on your PC while it was infected. In that cases, you may want to follow the instructions provided in the link below.
Prevented From Accessing Control Panel On a PC

If you want to analyze its log files to check the efficiency problems of your computer, you can use a tool called Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool. It gives details in Graphical User Interface in an easy to understand way. This standalone tool can be installed on our PCs. It is a Microsoft tool and we can download it from their website. To learn more about this tool and download, visit the link below.

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