Display Unlimited Comments Under Blogger Post Without Pagination

Last Updated:-June 06, 2023

If you have a Blogspot blog, you might notice the way Blogspot displays comments under each post. By default, Blogger shows only the first 200 comments.

Blogger automatically creates a second page to display every comment after the first 200.

I noticed this once some posts published on www.CoreNetworkZ.com crossed 200 comments. My blog automatically created a second page to display the comments from 201st.

Do you think it is a good feature? My answer is no.

You might wonder what the problem is with showing Blogger comments on different pages.

Problem With Creating Extra Page For Additional Comments

Blogger shows the comments from the 201st with the entire post content on the extra page.

It automatically attracts duplicate content issues.

The latest Blogger update fixed this duplicate content issue by adding the canonical tag.

Google does not like the same content on a website from two different URLs. If you are not convinced, let me explain it with an example.

Let us examine one post from this blog.

This post (https://www.corenetworkz.com/2017/01/become-cbi-officer-sub-inspector-by-ssc.html) has 286 comments at present.

While scrolling down to the end of the comment section, you can see "1 – 200 of 286 ".

You need to click the link Newer to read the 201st comment.

Check how Blogspot lists comments under a post from the screenshot below.

After you click the Newer link, you will reach the new page "https://www.corenetworkz.com/2017/01/become-cbi-officer-sub-inspector-by-ssc.html?commentPage=2".

This new page shows the additional comments and the entire blog post.

The second page is a duplicate of the first page.

When the Search Engine spiders crawl www.CoreNetworkZ.com, they will find almost similar content on two different pages.

Check the following two pages. You will find the same content on both of them.

  • https://www.corenetworkz.com/2017/01/become-cbi-officer-sub-inspector-by-ssc.html

  • https://www.corenetworkz.com/2017/01/become-cbi-officer-sub-inspector-by-ssc.html?commentPage=2

Google will consider one page as a duplicate of another.

How can we solve this problem?

The only solution is to show all comments on the same page.

We should change the default Blogger restriction to show only 200 comments under a single post.

Let us check how to display more than 200 comments under a single Blogger post without creating extra pages.

How to Show more than 200 comments on Blogger posts?

You can edit the default two hundred comments restriction on Blogspot posts by changing the comment settings.

To do so, follow the instructions provided below.

  1. Log into your Blogger account.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click on Comment location.

  4. Select the Embedded option and click on the Save button.

Let us check whether the new change fixes the issue. I reloaded the same post.

At the bottom of the comment section, Blogger shows a load more button instead of prompting for a new page.

You can see the Load More link at the bottom of the page.

You can click on the Load More link to show the comments from the 201st position.

Blogger no longer generates an additional page to show comments after the first 200.

Your Blogspot blog is safe from the duplicate content problem.

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